Introduction:This is the journal of one Leo-Paul St.Clair. He is a young man who has escaped his habitual life to cross the deserts of Arabia. After the following events we have recovered only one journal, written when crossing the Aberinkula Desert. Leo was never pronounced dead or found, legend in the local area tells about a mystical man who came to there land. He would speak of things they could never dream about, he would restore their faith. Only to leave seven days later. This has been reported by seventy-five villages across an 800 mile radius. Could this be Leo? Only you can make this reality true.
Tree of Living Truth
Sometime in April
56 days in Desert.
I find that the emptiness in the desert is all but so beautiful. As I open my new journal to write.
Things are so intense now, I am now capable of letting go completely, I can just float over reality and create my own, and I become one with everything around me. I am part of the earth; I am the sand, the water, the flowers, the sky, the moon and the stars. I learnt this by one tree. It was amazing, it all started when…….
….. I’ve been walking for about 3hours,
I have to go chill on the next tree I get to, and get some shade. I told myself
So I sat down on the tree.
It felt pretty good to stop walking and drink a bit. When suddenly the tree starting moving back and forth, its braches flexing out towards the sun.
-The sun is everything a world like mine needs, eh Leo?
I was speechless
-Leo now comes on what’s wrong? You look confused; something tells me you haven’t talk to a tree in a long time.
At this point I was totally panicked, I could not wrap my mind around what was going on. I was so scared I just wanted all of this to end I wanted to be back at home with my familiar things. I was certain that I had been poisoned
-God dam Bedouins.
-Leo, for what you are experiencing is the fault of no one but your faith.
I’m really losing it now. I can’t even understand what is happening; it’s so hard to explain. I just want to be free again.
-Leo, you want to be free? What I am here for is to guide to you, to make you understand that freedom is something you can control. .
-Your guiding me to insanity.
… After that I just ran. Ran as fast as I could, I just wanted to run away. I did not understand anything about what was going on; everything was changing I was full gone. Everything looked alive and free. But from a distance everything looked dead.
Masquerade with the Jesters
I was so tired of running I just found a spot that suited my need for security. I had about a dozen logs left for the fire. I just needed to understand what was happening…
…It was getting dark now sunset was here. I felt a lot better now. It was like as the sun went down so did my anxiety towards the tree. But my experience was not gone; I was still seeing things different. My body also seemed to float and my mind start to open…
…The night grew darker and darker. My mind completely gone. It must of jump out of my body. This was fine, because since my body was free of my mind, it could move be free. It would just move to the sounds around me. I saw things moving around me the whole time; but never this close to me. I saw one figure. An odd looking mate he was. Even more odd when he came up to me and screamed out:
-Leo man come on and play with the spirits! You must, right at this moment.
So I did, I jump up from my seat , now standing not sure how to go about following this Jester’s plan. I could feel my body being pulled at every angle. It was an extraordinary feeling something so bold I could not believe it was happening. All the sand became a glowing light source for peace.
-Jester Man, why are you at this desert, with me?
-Leo.. I’m not here with you, you made me. u
-Wait so then…
Those are the only three words I could use to respond to what the jester said before he ran away in this bright desert day. However it did not matter whether or not the jester staid. The only thing was, nothing changed back to normal. It staid very much the same, I could steel feel the warmth of the sand and the feeling of vibes changing as the things around me did.
Playing with the moon and stars in the Night Time
The night starting creeping out into the horizon, it was a dark cloudy night. I just went to bed, not noticing any changes, unlike the past few days…
… I was awakened by a sort of vibe thing. It was as if my environment changed and I could feel it, physically. I got up and took a leek. Nothing changed I could just feel a weird figure 9 type feeling in my body. I knew that something just happened or will happen. (My acceptance grew to these changes; I was waiting for it to come again) Therefore I must just go back to sleep and keep walking.
Leo’s Manifesto
Woke up this morning, don’t know what to do. I mean I’m still walking to Morocco. But I don’t know what do to about what’s been going on. I can’t seem to get a hold of it. Never precisely handle it just jumps away from me, does not stay long enough to know what it is.
I know what I will do it will keep walking, I still have a few days until a get to half way point. Next time anything happens I will sit down and take my time. I will carefully inspect every aspect of this creation….
…It noon the sun is perched up in the sky. It seems so powerful and majestic. I want to jump up and grab at it…
… Hours later and still nothing, I’ve got it. I am not supposed to want more and more. Waiting for something new to come up, is unrealistic. I will bring myself back to just enjoying the solitude of this world. Drifting, enjoying, living, and all things I have forgotten. I let my mind fill with propaganda, poisoning my mind and soul. I have left that, I have been moved and change to feel every feeling, make note of it and pass on. Every moment is as if it’s new and incredible. It’s amazing. How thing are never stable it is all a
Nasir al Din wants to play with my mind
That night I made a fire as usual. It was no more different then any other night. But as the night grew, I did to. The feeling of energy soaring trough my body, a rampage of light and peace. I let myself be taken by whatever it might concern. My inhibition and goals jumped from me, and ran a thousand miles. My body was getting lose grip of the earth and fly. The dark night now turned to a concert of lights. My mind controlling the light, I can form light in my hands and blast it of into the air.
I could soon understand I was not controlling anything. I could feel it here, something that is warm, lively and calm.
- Are you here for me?
I asked. To who I have no idea. But I knew that, a question may not be left unanswered
I saw light from a distance approaching sucking all the colors; they came together to form a quid of man I have never seen. His eyes more vibrant then sunset in the desert.
- Leo brother you have maid it.
- made It? Where ive been traveling for endless days. Are you the one who turned me on?
I new that an outer source had brought me to “my world”
-Yes Leo brother, I have been following you, I have not don’t anything to you but allow you to see what you needed. I open your eyes to the world you where born to live in.
- I understand, I am meat to do your work.
- Leo, you are no more ; a man, a woman, a child. You are free, you have chosen this way .
-I will go continue. Peace ….
I had no idea what to call this thing, spirit .
- Nasir al Din you may call me , to me you’re a no more Leo then Jonathen , you are Almahdi to me.
The end of the past , The end of the future , the beginning of a moment
I knew from that point on, that everything would never be the same. Simply because “same” does not exist. It is a pure illusion of a distant or lost soul. I also learnt that Nasir al Din translates to Restorer of Faith and Almadhi means Guided to the right path. From that moment forth, I went as Nasir Al Din went on. First I must grow myself to becoming a “Nasir Al Din”
Story by: TheBonzai